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Hi people. I am Fan, Welcome to my world and thanks for taking a peak at my words. 


As for me as a both clinical interventions and art-based researcher, anyone who feels overwhelmed, and pressured by this hectic world should experience artistic visual sensations in their life, There is no doubt that people experience complicated things in their lives. We need visual and creative arts to have positive psychological effects on people’s mindsets and mentalities. people need more visual/artistic experience to open their minds and hearts to understand themselves (and even others) mental feelings, health and illness, happiness and sorrows… Evidence from many case studies also suggested that the particular benefits of artistic expression go much further than relaxation and enjoyment, and art not only expresses people's spiritual spaces but also be valuable for strengthening, understanding, and empathizing with people's self-awareness, mentality & mental experiences. The idea is that visual creative expression also can make a powerful contribution to the healing process embraced in diverse cultures backgrounds and ethnicities.


As a self-taught freelance artist/illustrator (may I call this myself? I am just a simple person who likes drawing, sketching, makeup, resin art & miniatures), making visual entertainment, e.g. drawing, painting, photography, resin arts, miniatures and even writing is interesting for me to be myself & complete myself. We all want to, after all, live a vivid life and add some meaning to it.  


From Fan L




Newcastle upon Tyne UK

Shanghai, China


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任何人在忙碌世界里感到不知所措或承受窒息的生活压力的时候,都不应该错过享受不一样的视觉体验...艺术的表达用途不仅仅只是能够放松与享乐,也不仅限于传达你灵魂世界,还可以用于更好的用于沟通理解乃至提高, 释放和治疗你的精神世界....我的大部分每张手绘,照片中都蕴含着 我当下的想法,或者是我认为有必要认识到的心理学知识……“活在属于你的当下”是我的信条。从一个自学者的角度来说,我不是一个自诩以画画为优势的人,但是我真心认为画画是表达自己想法和难以言表的复杂情感的最好的渠道之一。与自己的精神世界擦出火花,与面对的你产生良好的共鸣,甚至与任何在这个世界上有感情的生物产生共鸣,以这种方式更好的理解生活,感受生命的意义。.我的感情和理智都是早熟的,意志和经验却从来成熟不了的,比起那些真正学术和冷静的人,我有太多的情感,比起那些天生放荡不羁的人,我却又有太不合逻辑的理性,这是我的不幸也是我庆幸的地方。

我是一个对弱者懂得和给予格外的尊重和关怀的人。人世间就是这个样子,你今天的生活,小成就,大成就,美丽的事情, 乃至事业,是你身边的人把他们生命里最值得最佳值的最好的东西给了你,一定是你身边的人把命力传递给了你,而是很多人把生命里最美好的东西拿出来给你放在一起,绝不是你一个人的智慧。

Blue Flowers

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Every artist was first an amateur.”

Ai Weiwei

“Life is art. Art is life. I never separate it.”
Blue Flowers


“Originality is nothing but judicious imitation.” 

Fan has Bachelor degree in clinical nursing and Hons in nursing science at  Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, nutrition science master degree, and PhD for dietary interventions for health ageing in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Currently Fan reside in the UK and she works as a clinical research project consultant/ lead, TCM practice trial researcher, dietary intervention investigator, and art-based engagements/interventions researcher for mental wellbeing in adults population.

In her interesting life, Fan has passion in 2D and traditional drawing, resin, alcohol ink, miniatures and photography, keen on exploring her own lifestyle collections and interested in Chinese Philosophy, literature and mindfulness coupled with all her artworks. Fan is also a great cat lover & cat sitter.


 For drawing, Fan thinks loosen strokes & subjects need to be taken care of so that the images tell interesting & impactful stories and cause imagination & illusion. Fan likes the vibe is twisted with elegant, haunting, melancholic, dark, whimsical, bizarre, ethereal and fantastical. The subjects are likely to be unrealistic, yet, the spirit resonates with reality and drawings are inspired by stories. It is also in her to be likely to make the creatures believable and a vibe of eastern spirit and traditional tales...


The human subject is continually manipulated by the demands of consumer-driven information-saturated living nowadays...The pressures of human for making a living to be always ‘switched-on’, and to compete and consume, are eroding authenticity, altruism and empathy in contemporary human relations and are increasingly displaced by cultures of narcissism, assimilation and alienation...Fan creates her works out of pure passion and interests. By drawing, Fan satisfy her spiritual world, she express herself, define herself. As one important part of spiritual her, Fan's each practice also  carries her aesthetics & vibe.



"The thing is that we are likely to believe that "darkness" is the enemy in the world. Its actually not...People are born to be flawed, you have dark patches on your face, you have scars on your feet, everyone can see all of that under the lightness...A light where is no place for people to hide, this is the great evil in mind, so I love darkness, it keeps true of yourself, it keeps soft spot of yourself to be loved, but also enjoy lightness, cuz you are not afraid either. its not the darkness is the enemy, its people. People have vilified people 'scars. Your darkness is a blessing to feel other people...Loving your negativity is the key to positivism...its a spectrum to be balanced..."

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I being there, wondering, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever tried to dream before...I enjoy my mind, soul & vibe with vary artforms that showcase something from inadvertently passing moments in my life and novel, interesting, meaningful discoveries."


Blue Flowers
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Get In Touch

If you are an artist, or want to get to know me, I’m happy to respond. If you have any questions regarding my artwork, drop me a message please. 

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Hello! Please feel free to contact me with any questions, just be sure to check my F.A.Q. just in case I have answered it already! If you have business inquiry, just know that I am not taking commissions currently, but if you have a large freelance project please contact me via email or Facebook messengers currently. 
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