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有部分人闭上眼睛,脑中无法想象事物的具体形象却是一片漆黑,这就是心盲症 (Aphamtasia),也可以称为想象障碍。世界上有2%的人是心盲症。在1882 年首次发现而在2015年被英国大学教授Adam Zeman 和他同事的研究从新被关注。患有心盲症的人脑子里偶尔有闪回的现象但是不能按照自己的指令在脑海里进行想象,他们每次听到别人说想象一件事物的时候以为只是打个比方,这类人一般性都认为大家都不能够想象。心盲症的人在看电影的时候里面的角色在想象画面,他们还以为是艺术中特别技能,但是他们不知道这是现实生活中有些人有的特别技能。心盲症的人都不会发现他们与其他人有什么异常。在现实生活中也有分视觉想象能力的强与弱,心盲症的人记忆能力会比较弱,比如说当一个人回忆起某个人的样子和名字的时候,那就可以大概想象这个人的长相和当时遇到这个人的情况,可是心盲症的人只能依靠他记得的特点来想起这个人,比如圆脸,头发颜色是蓝色,鼻子👃比较大等等。所以一般会视觉想象的人的记忆能力比心盲症的人要好。但是心盲症的人生活没有什么大困扰,类似Edwin Catmull, Kobe Bryant and Glen Karne etc...都是有心盲症的人,所以心盲症与创作力没有太大影响。有想象障碍的人在某些方面还可能有优势,由于他们无法想象,就意味着他们无法想象过去和会发生的事情和未来,更加容易活在当下。心盲症的人对于其他人来说就是会感觉处理事情和思考方式和其他人不同。

脸盲症 (face blindness - prosopagnosia)的的人就是脸部识别能力缺乏的症状. 目前认为约有2%的人有脸盲症,也就是约50个人里面就有一个人。脸盲症分为两种,一种是“看不清脸” 另外一种是“不能辨识”,。看不清别人的脸对一般人来说难以理解,资料上说,看到人的脸就好似看到糊在一团的面孔一样,类似打了马赛克一样....也有人说,看到人脸就像看到气球🎈一样,什么都没有. 第二种看的到人脸但是在看到眼睛👀鼻子👃嘴巴👄的同时,每一张脸对于他们来说都是一样的...除了服装声音行为习惯发型身形外,脸部没有差别可以辨认, 这个情况可以理解成一般人看倒反着的脸。
脸盲症也分先天和后天的脸盲...后天的情况就是由于一些情况导致脑部受损,导致脑内识别脸部的神经坏了, 先天性脸盲是因为单一显性基因缺陷所导致的,这是一定几率的遗传疾病...研究表明:脸盲症与一般智力与其他记忆没有关系...目前没有治疗的方法。社交焦虑也随之而来....


People usually cannot fake narcissism, you can get for a minute but not for a long time. Because narcissist usually is formed by family education. Narcissism is a byproduct of simultaneously overindulging, and underindulging a child, which is the reason causing woman are likely to become narcissist too. Parents constantly give child credit for just achievements. You make sure that you have the most fabulous sort of family life, you focus on their appearance, achievements, best events, vacation. But at the same time, parents underindulge that child emotional world. They don’t listen to child’s feelings, they are not present with them, its almost as though, it seems, at those moments they don’t care. Those make child only value for those exterior, kind of qualities, and they don’t learn from parents to cultivate their inner world. Unless children themselves realize these problems to change themselves or have a different friend circle or any other environment put influence on them, which is quite difficult...

From Dr. Ramani


Statistics have always been shown that men are much more prevalent and are more likely to be narcissists than women, because part of that is socialization , men, even boys are not taught about their emotions as much to not as turned into that empathy, compassion, vulnerability…These things are not valued in men, and those are often the core of character…Tough and openness parents teach can turn into things like a lack of empathy…Men are also measured on their achievements, being a provider of making a lot of money, having a big title, house etc…so those kinds of superficial drives which are pushed more for men and more valued in men…

If a women behaves in a narcissistic way, she often checked early in the game whereas if a man behaves that way he is not called out and he even feels like he always does the right thing in a rational way.

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