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Self Defeating Personality Disorder

It is a very generalized personality disorder in which an individual is constantly in the pattern of carrying out behaviour that are detrimental to his or her own growth or development.


Its clinically defined as the person who continually chooses to engage in more than likely learned maladaptive behaviour in order to combat high levels of stress...

【Self Defeating Personality Disorder】

【What causes SDPD?】

In many of the cases, where people exhibit self defeating behaviour, there's usually evidence of childhood trauma or loss...but other causes centered around the inability, to discontinue harmful, repetitive cycles and behaviours...It is like that Donna Tartt novel, the Goldfinch. Sometimes we want what we want, even if we know its gonna kill us.


Key clinical symptom of SDPD


1. A person has a compulsive need to choose people or circumstances that are known sources of drama, pain, disappointment and mistreatment...

just think how many times you have seen someone who is always in conflict, battle or feeling victimized by the company or the environment that they choose to be in...this can recall destroying one of the most functional relationships in life simply because he or she miss the dysfunction that I was accustomed to...It was as if the drama and dysfunction made him or her feel more significant.

To go a step further, person even felt safety in the familiarity of the drama and dysfunction that he or she was used to...


2. the person may reject or be resistant to opportunities or help or assistance.

They usually refuse any positive interventions that may benefit them or situations. For most men, they always thought their refusal to accept help is due to pride, but it is actually a form or control, cuz by accepting help they felt indebted...But in another part of them in which their self-esteem is so low, that they felt as though they were burdening people by accepting offered help.


3. they may have adverse behaviours or depressive episodes following an event that was meant to be positive or rewarding.

e.g. graduation or a B day party.


4. to insight anger or rejection

so what will happen is they may instigate a fight with someone and the minute there's any sort of backlash, they will feel humiliated, deeply hurt or even defeated...Its as if subconsciously or consciously, they have instigated a fight with the hopes of getting that retaliation so that they could feel that way....


5. the ability to identify pleasurable opportunities and reject them as if showing reluctance to enjoy oneself.

Even if you have good social skills, and the ability to experience pleasure...Some people behave this way, they are always late to celebrate, extreme in delaying gratification, barely allow themselves to accept the compliment...The reason they do is a defense mechanism...its as If they have been through so many instances in which hopes have been let down...they dont ever allow their hopes to be up....


6. even with a superior skillset, a person suffering from SDPD will fail to carry out tasks that are crucial to their personal development.

Even if they could do it with ease...A good example of this is like a student who will write essays and term papers for everybody else, but fail to deliver their own...


7.they usually are uninterested or will reject people who treat them well.

Even in intimate relationships, they usually try to gravitate to relationships, that require very little emotional if cowering at the idea of vulnerability, and healing love...


8.they will engage in self-sacrificing behaviours and then position themselves as if there wasnt any other choice but to self-sacriface.


9. Self-neglect

which comes off as very vague, this is has to do with physical self-neglect in regards to your hygiene, your medical health, your living condition...


5 ways to detect SDPD behaviours within yourself.


Avoid conversations that can be painful or uncomfortable but very necessary, such as talking to your doctor about your blood test results etc...


People with low self esteem often assume that through perfectionism, they can increase their self-worth...The stress that you impose upon yourself in pursuit of perfectionism is self sabotaging...


If you are hiding your most authentic personality traits, trying to change things about yourself, or just simply trying to be something other than you...that is also a sign of SDPD.

#Being passive

Being passive and frequently allowing yourself to be mistreated, never really stand up for youself...


To gain positive or negative attention, constantly making monumental efforts, in order to gain favor or appeal...

From Romanymalco

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